This new issue of the Equinox is a companion volume to The Holy Books of Thelema (also published by Samuel Weiser), and a coherent text book in it s own right. It covers the essentials of the A ∴ A ∴ system of initiation, from the preliminary stage of Student to the attainment of the Knowledge and Conversion of the Holy Guardian Angel. The centerpiece of the book is the Master Therion's penetrating commentary to the inspired writing THE BOOK OF THE HEART GIRT WITH A SERPENT.
Commentaries on the Holy Books and Other Papers
[Soft Cover]
This issue of THE EQUINOX features Liber 418, THE VISION AND THE VOICE, and is the record of Crowley's visionary exploration of the 30 Aethyrs of the Enochian system of magick developed by the Elizabethan magicians Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley. Most were received in the Sahara Desert in 1909, with the assistance of Victor B. Neuburg. This text is the source of many of the spiritual doctrines of Thelema, including much of its theogony, particularly concerning the All-Father Chaos and the goddess Babalon. Other works and papers give details of Crowley's advanced initiations. Liber 415, Opus Lutetianum (The Paris Working), is the record of a magical working. It includes the Esoteric Records of the Paris Working as well as the Holy Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven. The surviving portion of Liber 73, the Urn (Diary, of Magus), and The Book of the Great Auk, are included, as well as The Fox of the Balkans.
The Vision and the Voice with Commentary and Other Papers: The Collected Diaries of Aleister Crowley 1909-1914 E.V. [Hard Cover]
The Vision and the Voice with Commentary and Other Papers: The Collected Diaries of Aleister Crowley 1909-1914 E.V. [Soft Cover]