


          LIFE that is lost in dullard

            Dreams of the senses, go!

          Life, by the soul fair-coloured,

            Thy valiant trumpets blow!

          Far from the world where love is lust,

          And work is pain, and wealth is dust,

          Rise on the wings of love, and soar

          To the sun's self, the eternal shore

          Where flaming streamers soar and roll,

          Angels to guard its secret soul,

          The Garden where my love and I

          May walk to all eternity.

          Who dares to force the fiery gate

          May win our world inviolate.

          Children whose hearts are passionate;

          Maidens whose flesh is fair and fain,

          And men whose souls no senses stain,

          Come!  These mad miles of flame of ours

          Are cool as springs and fresh as flowers.    


          And thou, sole star in my black firmament!

            Thou, night that wraps me close, thou, moon that


          Chaste, yet embraced, serenest element

            Lapping my life as the sea laps a swimmer's;

          Thou, by whose strength and purity and love

          I leave this land, attain to the above,

          Come thou rose-red, break on my soul like dawn

            And gild my peaks, and bid their fountains flow

          For in thine absence all their life withdrawn

            Congealed my being to a sterile snow,

          Snow fallen from some accursed star to ban

          All the high hope and heritage of man.

          Come thou, a gleaming goddess of pure pearl,

            Price of mine homage to the great glad god!

          Come, saint and satyr praise alike the girl

              Who to my whole life put the period

          Of all fulfilment, whose prophetic breath

          Girds me with life, and garlands me with death.

          Come, be thy magic in the rime and rhythm,

            Until the sea sways to the tender tune,

          And the winds whisper, and the leaves wave with them,

            The leaves wherethrough we look upon the moon,

          So that men hear me of the world within

          Secure from sorrow, sanctified from sin,    


          The world of stranger deities and loves

            Than haunted Ida, or were hidden in

          The Cretan bowers, the Elusinian goves,

            A world that trembles on thy violin,

          Eager to be --- and then the curtain drops

          Just as thy music, with my heart's pulse, stops.

          Nay!  To this world of ours they shall not reach.

            My rimes are shadows dancing in the breeze

          By moonlight; there is no delight in speech

            Such as the silence of our own heart's ease;

          But even thy shadow is itself a sun

          To the bleak universe of Everyone.

          Then open sesame!  The fairy cavern

            Of gold and gems, strange land of misty truth,

          As witches' eyes in a polluted tavern

            Glow with the vampire vanity of youth

          Stolen from maids, so let thine own eyes shine

          In this fantastic mystery of thine!

          Thine eyes are love and truth and loyalty;

            Thine eyes are mystery unveiled to one.

          Let them ray forth incarnate deity

            Fit to assoil the eclipse-attainted sun!

          Let them point still my weather-beaten soul

          Infallibly the pathway of the pole!



{Illustration facing page xxxiii described:

This is a dark gray-brown colotype of Leila Waddell, rectangular in shape and done on the left page, long top to the left edge of the book. The background is a uniform black. The image is apportioned with Leila's head and upper body occupying the left half of the picture, entire right profile. She gazes directly to the right, chin supported by left fist, back of hand to right and forearm vertically down. The left elbow is not visible, being behind the right elbow and forearm. The right forearm extends out along a low table occupying the foreground of the right half of the image, elbow on table and forearm slightly raised. The right hand is loosely closed against a round vertical dish just below center of the dish. This dish is vertical and resting on its lower rim on the table in the plane of the photo. It is ornamented in volute double spiral circular patterns reminiscent of a Yin-Yang symbol, an outer ring of about 24 inside the rim of the disk, then an inner annular rib, next inside slightly larger volutes in an open circle of 14, inside another open circle of six volutes (hand covers most of lower three) and a single volute in the center. Leila's forefinger has a ring of knobby and complex appearance.

She her hair is quite long and thick, covering all strategic points not obscured by the posture and arms. It is long, straight and hangs smoothly down from the head without evident styling. A cascade of it falls over the right shoulder toward the front, passing to front over the elbow and before the forearm. Another substantial lock falls directly down to the front. The hair appears to be all brushed to the right and front in part.

Her expression is fixed and melancholic, lips closed and eyes slightly sad.}

{Pages xxxiii to xxxiv contain music scored for violin.}