No. IV. will contain in its 400 pages:


THE ELEMENTAL CALLS OF KEYS, WITH THE GREAT WATCH TOWERS OF THE UNIVERSE and their explanation. A complete treatise, fully illustrated, upon the Spirits of the Elements, their names and offices, with the method of calling them forth and controlling them. With an account of The Heptarchical Mystery, The Thirty Aethyrs or Aires with "The Vision and the Voice," being the Cries of the Angels of the Aethyrs, a revelation of the highest truths pertaining to the grade of Magister Templi, and many other matters. Fully illustrated.

THE CONTINUATION OF THE HERB DANGEROUS. Selections from H. G. Ludlow, "the Hashish-Eater."

MR. TODD: A Morality, by the author of "Rosa Mundi."



FRATER P.'S EXPERIENCES IN THE EAST. A complete account of the various kinds of Yoga.


ACROSS THE GULF: An adept's memory of his incarnation in Egypt under the 26th dynasty; with an account of the Passing of the Equinox of Isis.

&c. &c. &c.

To be obtained of the
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And through all Booksellers

Crown 8vo, Scarlet Buckram, pp. 64.

This Edition strictly limited to 500 Copies.


A ∴ A ∴


THIS book contains in concise tabulated form a comparative view of all the symbols of the great religions of the world; the perfect attributions of the Taro, so long kept secret by the Rosicrucians, are now for the first time published; also the complete secret magical correspondences of the G.'. D.'. and R. R. et A. C. It forms, in short, a complete magical and philosophical dictionary; a key to all religions and to all practical occult working. For the first time Western and Qabalistic symbols have been harmonized with those of Hinduism, Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Taoism, &ampc. By a glance at the Tables, anybody conversant with any one system can understand perfectly all others.

The Occult Review says:

"Despite its cumbrous sub-title and high price per page, this work has only to come under the notice o {sic} the right people to be sure of a ready sale. In its author's words, it represents 'an attempt to systematise alike the data of mysticism and the results of comparative religion,' and so far as any book can succeed in such an attempt, this book does succeed; that is to say, it condenses in some sixty pages as much information as many an intelligent reader at the Museum has been able to collect in years. The book proper consists of a Table of 'Correspondences,' and is, in fact, an attempt to reduce to a common denominator the symbolism of as many religious and magical systems as the author is acquainted with. The denominator chosen is necessarily a large one, as the author's object is to reconcile systems which divide all things into 3, 7, 10, 12, as the case may be. Since our expression 'common denominator' is used in a figurative and not in a strictly mathematical sense, the task is less complex than appears at first sight, and the 32 Paths of the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation of the Qabalah, provide a convenient scale. These 32 Paths are attributed by the Qabalists to the 10 Sephiroth, or Emanations of Deity, and to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet, which are again subdivided into 3 mother letters, 7 double letters, and 12 simple letters. On this basis, that of the Qabalistic 'Tree of Life,' as a certain arrangement of the Sephiroth and 22 remaining Paths connecting them is termed, the author has constructed no less than 183 tables.

"The Qabalistic information is very full, and there are tables of Egyptian and Hindu deities, as well as of colours, perfumes, plants, stones, and animals. The information concerning the tarot and geomancy exceeds that to be found in some treatises devoted exclusively to those subjects. The author appears to be acquainted with Chinese, Arabic, and other classic texts. Here your reviewer is unable to follow him, but his Hebrew does credit alike to him and to his printer. Among several hundred words, mostly proper names, we found and marked a few misprints, but subsequently discovered each one of them in a printed table of errata, which we had overlooked. When one remembers the misprints in 'Agrippa' and the fact that the ordinary Hebrew compositor and reader is no more fitted for this task than a boy cognisant of no more than the shapes of the Hebrew letters, one wonders how many proofs there were and what the printer's bill was. A knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet and the Qabalistic Tree of Life is all that is needed to lay open to the reader the enormous mass of information contained in this book. The 'Alphabet of Mysticism,' as the author says -- several alphabets we should prefer to say -- is here. Much that has been jealously and foolishly kept secret in the past is here, but though our author has secured for his work the imprimatur of some body with the mysterious title of the A ∴ A ∴, and though he remains himself anonymous, he appears to be no mystery-monger. Obviously he is widely read, but he makes no pretence that he has secrets to reveal. On the contrary, he says, 'an indicible arcanum is an arcanum which "cannot" be revealed.' The writer of that sentence has learned at least one fact not to be learned from books.



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A great symposium or debate of the Adepts assembled in convocation. The work ranks next to Gober as a fountain-head of alchemy in Western Europe. It reflects the earliest Byzantine, Syrian and Arabian writers. This famous work is accorded the highest place among the works of Alchemical Philosophy which are available for the students in the English language.

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A valuable treatise by one who is reputed a great master of alchemical art. It connects practical chemistry with the occult theory of transmutation. The antimonial Fire-Stone is said to cure diseases in man and to remove the imperfection of metals.

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Ten Pounds (£10) will be paid by the Proprietors of THE EQUINOX for a copy of the Journal containing the following passage, which has been anonymously sent to this office, or for such information as may enable them to trace the perpetrators.


the circumstances.
Cox, Box, Equinox,
McGregors are coming to Town;
Some in rags, and some on jags,
And the Swami upside down.
Cran, Cran, McGregor's man
Served a writ, and away he ran.
Cadbury Jones!
Stop your groans,
And open the Family Bible,
I fancy cocoa
Would tint your boko
Less than Criminal Libel.
What did Waistcott Wynn?
Anyway, he lost his shirt.
See-Saw, Bernard Shaw
Sold his beef to live upon straw.
Wasn't he a thousand miles
From sense when he went to Eustace Miles?
Jagmatite said (TORN EDGE)

The Back contains some account of a football match played on some Saturday in January, apparently in Lancashire. The envelope was addressed in female script, and bears postmark "Rock Ferry."

Besides the senseless vulgarity and scurrility of this disgusting stuff, it implies the false and malicious statement that a writ has been served upon us; and we shall proceed according to law, if we can trace the offenders.





Green paper cover. 1s. 6d. net

"As far as the verse is concerned there is in this volume something more than mere promise; the performance is at times remarkable; there is beauty not only of thought and invention ___ and the invention is of a positive kind ___ but also of expression and rhythm. There is a lilt in Mr. Neuburg's poems; he has the impulse to sing, and makes his readers feel that impulse."

The Morning Post, May 21, 1908.

"There is a certain given power in some of the imaginings concerning death, as 'The Dream' and 'the Recall,' and any reader with a liking for verse of an unconventional character will find several pieces after his taste."

The Daily Telegraph, May 29, 1908.

"Here is a poet of promise." ___ The Daily Chronicle, May 13, 1908.

"It is not often that energy and poetic feeling are united so happily as in this little book." ___ The Morning Leader, July 10, 1908.

There is promise and some fine lines in these verses."

The Times, July 11, 1908.

To be obtained of



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Probationers are reminded that the object of Probations and Ordeals is one: namely, to select Adepts. But the method appears twofold: (i) to fortify the fit; (ii) to eliminate the unfit.

The Chancellor of the A ∴ A ∴ wishes to announce that those whom he represents are only responsible for the Publications on which their Imprimatur is set; the rest of THE EQUINOX is edited as literary and commercial expediency may suggest to the person responsible.

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