I PRAISE Thee, God, whose rays upstart beneath the Bright
     and Morning Star:
Nowit asali fardh salat assobhi allahu akbar.

I praise Thee, God, the fierce and swart; at noon Thou ridest
     forth to war!
Nowit asali fardh salat assohri allahu akabr.

I praise Thee, God, whose arrows dart their royal radiance
     o'er the scar:
Nowit asali fardh salat asasri allahu akabr.

I praise Thee, God, whose fires depart, who drivest down the
     sky thy car:
Nowit asali fardh salat al maghrab allahu akabr.

I praise Thee, God, whose purple heart is hidden in the abyss
Nowit asali fardh salat al asha allahu akabr.


{WEH note --- a more loose translation would have to be published in a bucket! Each of these adorations differs from the others by a single word and occasional article}


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