{Illustration facing page 12: THE SIGNS OF THE GRADES.
These are arranged as ten panels: * * * * * * * * * *
These are all halftone photos of a single human in a black Tau robe,
barefoot with hood completely closed over the face. The hood displays a six-pointed figure
on the forehead --- presumably the radiant eye of Horus of the A ∴ A ∴, but the
rendition is too poor in detail. There is a cross pendant over the heart. The ten panels
are numbered in white in the upper left, but the numerals are very dim even in the Ist
edition (some blurred out entirely in the Weiser edition). The panels are identified by
two columns of numbered captions, 1 to 6 to the left and 7 to 10 to the right. The
description is bottom to top and left to right:
"1. Earth: the god Set fighting." Frontal figure. Rt. foot pointed to the fore
and angled slightly outward with weight on ball of foot. Lf. heel touching Rt. heel and
foot pointed left. Arms form a diagonal with body, right above head and in line with left
at waist height. Hands palmer and open with fingers outstretched and together. Head erect.
"2. Air: The god Shu supporting the sky." Frontal. Heels together and slightly angled apart to the front, flat on floor. Head down. Arms angled up on either side of head about head 1.5 ft. from head to wrist and crooked as if supporting a ceiling just at head height with the finger tips. The palms face upward and the backs of the hands away from the head. Thumbs closed to side of palms. Fingers straight and together.
"3. Water: the goddess Auramoth." Same body and foot position as #2, but head erect. Arms are brought down over the chest so that the thumbs touch above the heart and the backs of the hands are to the front. The fingers meet below the heart, forming between thumbs and fingers the descending triangle of water.
"4. Fire: the goddess Thoum-aesh-neith." Frontal. Head and body like #3. Arms are angled so that the thumbs meet in a line over the brow. Palmer side facing. Fingers meet above head, forming between thumbs and fingers the ascending triangle of fire.
"5,6. Spirit: the rending and closing of the veil." Head erect in both. #5 has the same body posture as #1, except that the left and right feet are countercharged and flat on the floor. Arms and hands are crooked forward at shoulder level such that the hands appear to be clawing open a split veil --- hands have progressed to a point that the forearms are invisible, being directly pointed at the front. Upper arms are flat and horizontal in the plain of the image. #6. has the same body posture as #1, feet in same position as #1 but flat to the floor. The arms are elbow down against abdomen, with hands forward over heart in claws such that the knuckles are touching. Passing from #5 to #6 or vice versa is done by motion of shoulders and rotation of wrists. This is different from the other sign of opening the veil, the Sign of the Enterer, with is done with hands flat palm to palm and then spread without rotation of wrists.
"7-10. The L V X signs."
"7. + Osiris slain --- the cross." Body and feet as in #2. Head bowed. Arms directly horizontal from the shoulders in the plane of the image. Hands with fingers together, thumbs to side of palm and palmer side forward. The tau shape of the robe dominates the image.
"8. L Isis mourning --- the Svastica." The body is in semi-profile, head down slightly and facing right of photograph. The arms, hands, legs and feet are positioned to define a swastika. Left foot flat, carrying weight and angled toward the right of the photo. Right foot toe down behind the figure to the left in the photo. Right upper arm due left in photo and forearm vertical with fingers closed and pointing upward. Left arm smoothly canted down to the right of photo, with fingers closed and pointed down.
"9. V Typhon --- the Trident." Figure frontal and standing on tip toe, toes forward and heals not touching. Head back. Arms angled in a "V" with the body to the top and outward in the plain of the photo. Fingers and thumbs as #7, but continuing the lines of the arms.
"10. X Osiris risen --- the Pentagram." Body and feet as in #7. Head directly frontal and level. Arms crossed over heart, right over left with hands extended, fingers closed and thumb on side such that the palms rest on the two opposite shoulders.}
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(In another book will it be treated of the Expansion and Contraction of Consciousness; progress by slaying the Chakkrams; progress by slaying the Pairs of Opposites; the methods of Sabhapaty Swami, &c., &c.)
In both the above practices all consciousness of anything but the God-form and name should be absolutely blotted out; and the longer it takes for normal perception to return, the better. {18}
(i) Touching the forehead say Ateh (Unto Thee).
(ii) Touching the breast say Malkuth (The Kingdom).
(iii) Touching the right shoulder, say ve-Geburah (and the Power).
(iv) Touching the left shoulder, say ve-Gedulah (and the Glory).
(v) Clasping the hands upon the breast, say le-Olahm, Amen (To the Ages, Amen).
(vi) Turning to the East make a pentagram (that of Earth) with the proper weapon (usually
the Wand). Say (i.e. vibrate) I H V H.
(vii) Turning to the South, the same, but say A D N I.
(viii) Turning to the West, the same, but say A H I H.
(ix) Turning to the North, the same, but say A G L A.
Pronounce: Ye-ho-wau, Adónai, Eheieh, Agla.
(x) Extending the arms in the form of a Cross say:
(xi) Before me Raphael;
(xii) Behind me Gabriel;
(xiii) On my right hand Michael.
(xiv) On my left hand Auriel;
(xv) For about me flames the Pentagram,
(xvi) And in the Column stands the six-rayed Star.
(xvii-xxi) Repeat (i) to (v), the Qabalistic Cross. {19}
The Pentagrams are traced in the air with the sword or other weapon, the
spoken aloud, and the signs used, as illustrated.
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The Signs of the Portal (see Illustrations): Extend the hands in front of you,
palms outwards, separate them as if in the act of rending asunder a veil or curtain
(actives), and then bring them together as if closing it up again and let them fall to the
side (passives).
(The Grade of the "Portal" is particularly attributed to the element of
Spirit; it refers to the Sun; the Paths of s, n, and u, are attributed to this degree.<
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{20} The signs of 4 Degree = 7 Square: Raise the arms above the head and join the hands,
so that the tips of the fingers and of the thumbs meet, formulating a triangle (See
(The Grade of 4 Degree = 7 Square is particularly attributed to the element Fire; it refers to the planet Venus; the paths of q, x, and p are attributed to this degree. For other attributions see "777" lines 7 and 31).
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The signs of 3 Degree = 8 Square: Raise the arms till the elbows are on a level with the
shoulders, bring the hands across the chest, touching the thumbs and tips of fingers so as
to form a triangle apex downwards. ("See" illustration).
(The Grade of 3 Degree = 8 Square is particularly attributed to the element of Water; it refers to the planet Mercury; the paths of r and c are attributed to this degree. For other attributions see "777", lines 8 and 23).
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The signs of 2 Degree = 9 Square: Stretch both arms upwards and outwards, the elbows bent
at right angles, the hands bent back, the palms upwards as if supporting a weight. (See
illustration). {21}
(The Grade of 2 Degree = 9 Square is particularly attributed to the element Air; it refers to the Moon; the path of t is attributed to this degree. For other attributions see "777" lines 9 and 11).
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The Sign of 1 Degree = 10 Square: Advance the right foot, stretch out the right hand
upwards and forwards, the left hand downwards and backwards, the palms open.
(The Grade of 1 Degree = 10 Square is particularly attributed to the element of Earth, See "777" lines 10 and 32 bis).
This ritual is to be performed after the "Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram".
(i) Stand upright, feet together, left arm at side, right across body, holding the wand or other weapon upright in the median line. Then face East and say:
(ii) I.N.R.I.
Yod. Nun. Resh. Yod.
Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother.
Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer.
Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen.
Isis, Apophis, Osiris, IAO. {22}
(iii) Extend the arms in the form of a cross, and say: "The Sign of Osiris Slain." (See Illustration).
(iv) Raise the right arm to point upwards, keeping the elbow square, and lower the left arm to point downwards, keeping the elbow square, while turning the head over the left shoulder looking down so that the eyes follow the left forearm, and say, "The Sign of the Mourning of Isis." (See Illustration).
(v) Raise the arms at an angle of sixty degrees to each other above the head, which is thrown back, and say, "The Sign of Apophis and Typhon." (See Illustration).
(vi) Cross the arms on the breast, and bow the head and say, "The Sign of Osiris Risen." (See Illustration).
(vii) Extend the arms again as in (iii) and cross them again as in (vi) saying: "L.V.X., Lux, the Light of the Cross".
(viii) With the magical weapon trace the Hexagram of Fire in the East, saying,
"Ararita" (a t y r a r a). Which Word consists of the
initials of a sentence which means "One is His Beginning: One is His Individuality:
His Permutation is One."
This hexagram consists of two equilateral triangles, both apices pointed upwards. Begin at the top of the upper {23} triangle and trace it in a dextro-rotary direction. The top of the lower triangle should coincide with the central point of the upper triangle.
(ix) Trace the Hexagram of Earth in the South, saying "ARARITA."
This Hexagram has the apex of the lower triangle pointing downwards, and it should be
capable of inscription in a circle.
(x) Trace the Hexagram of Air in the West, saying "ARARITA." This Hexagram is like that of Earth; but the bases of the triangles coincide, forming a diamond.
(xi) Trace the hexagram of Water in the North, saying "ARARITA."
This hexagram has the lower triangle placed above the upper, so that their apices
(xii) Repeat (i-vii)
The Banishing Ritual is identical, save that the direction of the Hexagrams must be reversed. {24}
To invoke or banish planets or zodiacal signs.
The Hexagram of Earth alone is used. Draw the hexagram,
beginning from the point which is attributed to the planet you are dealing with. (See
"777" col. lxxxiii).
Thus to invoke Jupiter begin from the right-hand point of the lower triangle,
dextro-rotary and complete; then trace the upper triangle from its left hand point and
Trace the astrological sigil of the planet in the centre of your hexagram.
For the Zodiac use the hexagram of the planet which rules the {25) sign you require
("777", col. cxxxviii); but draw the astrological sigil of the sign, instead of
that of the planet.
For Caput and Cauda Draconis use the lunar hexagram, with the sigil of Caput Draconis or Cauda Draconis.
To banish, reverse the hexagram.
In all cases use a conjuration first with Ararita, and next with the name of the God corresponding to the planet or sign you are dealing with.
The Hexagrams pertaining to the planets are as in plate on preceding page.
2. These rituals should be practised until the figures drawn appear in flame, in flame so near to physical flame that it would perhaps be visible to the eyes of a bystander, were one present. It is alleged that some persons have attained the power of actually kindling fire by these means. Whether this be so or not, the power is not one to be aimed at.
3. Success in "banishing" is known by a "feeling of cleanliness" in the atmosphere; success in "invoking" by a "feeling of holiness." It is unfortunate that these terms are so vague.
But at least make sure of this: that any imaginary figure or being shall instantly obey the will of the student, when he uses the appropriate figure. In obstinate cases, the form of the appropriate God may be assumed.
4. The banishing rituals should be used at the commencement of any ceremony whatever. Next, the student should use a general invocation, such as the "Preliminary Invocation" in the "Goetia" as well as a special invocation to suit the nature of his working.
5. Success in these verbal invocations is so subtle a {26} matter, and its grades so delicately shaded, that it must be left to the good sense of the student to decide whether or not he should be satisfied with his result.
* This in case of failure. The results of success are so many and wonderful that no effort is here made to describe them. They are classified, tentatively, in the "Herb Dangerious," Part II., infra.
Let him sink (when no longer can he strive, though his tongue by bitten through with the effort and the blood gush from his nostrils) into the blackness of unconsciousness; and then, on coming to himself, let him write down soberly and accurately a record of all that hath occurred, yea a record of all that hath occurred.
[A book of Elementary Invocations is in preparation, and will be issued in Number 3.]