{Description of decorative title page --- on page 9: This is vertical and rectangular, thick black border on the outside, white within that, then narrow black and within a white separator for the sub- elements of the design. Innermost is a white vertical rectangle edged by a black line and containing the title given below. The sub-elements of the frame are as follows: 1. A rectangular lintel at top containing a Ba-Hadit or winged sun. 2. A pair of rectangles either side of the main title space, tied in a thin continuous band above the title space. There are identical pillars in each rectangle. The pillar shape is wide at the bottom, quickly tapering to a uniform width of half the rectangular area by the top of the lower 1/3. Then broken by three rectangular white bars horizontally and expanding above the center into the top 3rd to carry an identical rectangular bar as the top. Above this floats a modified Atef crown composed of two maat feathers, an egg and a wavy base bar where a crown would have rams horns. The remainder of the frame is composed of three rectangular blocks across the base, matching the elements above in width. To the left and right are nearly square blocks containing hieroglyphics modified very slightly from those to the left and right below the offering stand on the Stele of Revealing. The central rectangular base block has the hieroglyphs from the space on the Stele between the wings of the sun disk at the upper portion of the Stele.}
A ∴ A ∴
Publication in Class A
{Hieroglyphics of three "flags" = Neteru = Gods}
N. Fra. A ∴ A ∴
O.M. 7 Degree=4 Square
D.D.S. 7 Degree=4 Square Praemonstrator
O.S.V. 6 Degree=5 Square Imperator
I.M. 5 Degree=6 Square Cancellarius
Given at our College S.S. in the Mountain of Abiegnus Sun in Libra An. IX
[VER. 68. -- Harden, not Harder, as the MS. indicates. The memory of DCLXVI says, though with diffidence, that the former is correct.]
The ending of the words is the Word Abrahadabra.
The Book of the Law is Written
and Concealed.
Aum. Ha.
[For doubtful spellings and styles consult facsimile MS. facing p. 386, Equinox I, vii.] {33}
<<ROBIN NOTE: scans of facsimile MS. are linked to the first word appearing on each page of the handwritten MS in the above hypertext.>>